Sanya, China
Current time in Sanya, China
Local Clock Offset: - |
Time zone: Asia/Beijing |
Standard time zone:UTC/GMT +8:00.China Standard Time is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC + 8:00. That means to find the standard time in the zone you must add eight hours to Coordinated Universal Time. Erritories observing the time zone are primarily in Asia. It runs through China, for example: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hebei Province, Xizang Province, Macao, HongKong, and Taiwan Province. |
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Sanya is located at the southernmost tip of Hainan Island in China, and is the southernmost tropical coastal tourist city and a coastal city in China. As early as 110 BC, Sanya was included in Chinese territory. As it was an island far away from the capital of the country, it was named Tianya Haijiao, which means the end of the earth. However, it has maintained contacts with the Central Plains in terms of politics, economy, and culture for the past 1,400 years. Sanya used to be the fiefdom of the Queen of Qiao in the Sui Dynasty (581-618), as well as the place where Jianzhen, a monk in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), landed and preached. It was also the residence of seven prime ministers and officials in the Tang and Song dynasties (960-1279) after they were demoted. These people promoted the development of local education and left many long-standing humanistic relics, forming the basis of the splendid history and culture of Sanya. |
What time is it in Sanya right now?
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