Melbourne, Australia

Current time in Melbourne, Australia

Local Clock Offset: -
Time zone: Australia/Melbourne

Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) = UTC+10
Daylight Saving Time Zone: Australia Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) = UTC+11

Melbourne is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia. The name "Melbourne" refers to an urban agglomeration spanning 9,900 km2 (3,800 sq mi) which comprises the broader metropolitan area, as well as being the common name for its city centre. The metropolis is located on the large natural bay of Port Phillip and expands into the hinterlands towards the Dandenong and Macedon mountain ranges, Mornington Peninsula and Yarra Valley.

What time is it in Melbourne right now?

On this website, you can find out the current time and date in any country and city in the world. You can also view the time difference between your location and that of another city.

The home page displays the clock with the exact time in your region, as well as a pre-installed list of clocks for major cities. You can modify this list as you wish. For any city in the list, you can open a separate page with a clock by clicking on the title with the name of the city.

You can configure the clock appearance (text color, type, and size), and these settings will be saved; they will be used when you open your web browser next time.