Chengdu, China
Current time in Chengdu, China
Local Clock Offset: - |
Time zone: Asia/Beijing |
Standard time zone:UTC/GMT +8:00.China Standard Time is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC + 8:00. That means to find the standard time in the zone you must add eight hours to Coordinated Universal Time. Erritories observing the time zone are primarily in Asia. It runs through China, for example: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hebei Province, Xizang Province, Macao, HongKong, and Taiwan Province. |
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Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province, China. On the Chengdu Plains the ancient city remains of the Bao Dun culture, being traced back over 4,500 years, is considered as the origin of Chengdu city. 3,000 years ago, in the era of the San Xing, Jin Sha and Shi Er Qiao Ruins, a largest and earliest ancient city emerged on the inner Chengdu Plains. From then on, the city never changed its location for 3,000 years and more. During the early Warring States Period Chengdu’s urban district turned to be the settlement of the Kai Ming Dynasty. Down to the late Warring States Period, King Hui Wen of the Qin State conquered Shu in 316 B.C. Afterwards Chengdu turned to be the seat of the local government of Shu prefecture, and at the same time Chengdu County had been established. For a span of over 2,000 years from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Chengdu remained as the seat of administrative divisions by the names of xian (county), jun ( prefecture), zhou (The name of jun had been replaced by zhou or fu during the Sui and Tang dynasties.), fu, lu (The regional size of each lu is almost the same as the one of a province), dao (In the Qing Dynasty, the dao had more administrative power than the prefecture “zhou,” but it was still held under control by the province.) and sheng (province). At intervals Chengdu turned to be the capital of separatist regimes that included Cheng Han, Shu Han, Da Cheng, Former Shu, Later Shu, and Da Xi. During the period of the Republic of China, Chengdu was still a provincial seat. In 1922, the Municipal Administration Office was established. In 1928, Chengdu Municipal Government was founded, and the city itself was under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the Western Sichuan Administration Office was established, and Chengdu became its seat. In 1952, when the provincial system was brought back, Chengdu turned to be the capital of Sichuan, and it remains in the same position ever since. |
What time is it in Chengdu right now?
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